Huntley Owen Team

101 W Benson Blvd. Ste 101, Anchorage, AK 99503
(907) 244-4467 |

What Products or Services does your business provide?

Real Estate Representation for Buyers and Sellers, New Construction Specialist

What types of advertising are you currently doing, and what types of advertising have been most successful for you in the past?

Social media advertising, open houses, direct mail… open houses have provided the most consistent results.

Are there any certifications, awards, or media recognition that your business has received?

Licensed Realtor

What is the story behind your business?

Bill is a Northern Arizona University Graduate in Business Administration and graduated from Alexandria Area Technical School in Alexandria, MN with an Associates Degree in Interior Design.

Bill moved to Anchorage in 1982 to work and experience Alaska and to enjoy his favorite sports. He and his wife, Terry, enjoy mountaineering, hiking, camping in their RV, raising dogs, skiing, snow machining and fishing. Bill has been an Anchorage East Rotarian for the last 25 years and was a past president in 2020-21. Bill enjoys giving back to the Alaska community.

Family is a big part of Bill’s life and he and Terry have two grown daughters living in Arizona and two grandsons.

In his professional life as a REALTORĀ®, Bill is a new construction specialist and represents Elisha Custom Homes, LLC ā€“ Peter Abramov at View Pointe at the Ranch in the Wasilla-Palmer area.

Bill lives in Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska and works with both buyers and sellers in the cities of Anchorage, Palmer, and Wasilla.

Real Estate specialties include:

– New Construction Listing Realtor for Elisha Custom Homes
– representing buyers looking for new construction homes
– listing and buyer REALTORĀ® in Anchorage AK
– relocation to Alaska

Explain why a customer should consider your business instead of going to a competitor.

In today’s real estate market you don’t just need a real estate agent to stick a sign in the yard… you need a trusted advisor. Bill brings his vast real estate experience to serve his clients at the very highest level. Serving both buyers and sellers, Bill’s ability to smoothly get to a successful closing is second to none!

What extra services do you offer that people might not know about?

Home Valuations, Seller Consultations,

Huntley Owen Team

Business Hours

7:00 – 6:00