Mark Kuning Insurance Agency

1556 3rd Ave, Longview, WA 98632
(360) 425-3200 |

What Products or Services does your business provide?


Are there any certifications, awards, or media recognition that your business has received?

yes, about 13 topper clubs and 6 Championships

Tell us about your employees.

5 yes

What is the story behind your business?

Came from a customer service business background applying it to insurance

Tell a story about a great customer experience.

we have lots of them

Explain why a customer should consider your business instead of going to a competitor.

better customer service and explanation of coverage; we will do our best to match coverage needs to your policy

What extra services do you offer that people might not know about?

we are the best in class

Mark Kuning Insurance Agency

Business Hours

9AM to 5PM weekdays