Build Your Legal Practice
Nobody wants to hire a lawyer. But when important legal decisions need to be made, everyone wants the best lawyer. The decision making process can be long and tedious for consumers if they don’t already know where to look and who to talk to. That’s why the experts at our law firm marketing agency think that branding your firm is so important. You need to establish value and trust with consumers with physical and digital attorney ads before they’re ready to buy, so that when the day comes for them to seek out legal help, you’re the one they think of first.
Become a Celebrity in Your Neighborhood
IndoorMedia is an experienced law firm marketing agency whose Cartvertising division is an annual advertising program that builds name recognition and trust for your legal practice. Attorney advertising should be effective, powerful, and understated. Shopping cart advertising does just that through its subtle yet pervasive placement on grocery store shopping carts. Get started with the only grocery store advertising medium designed to build your legal practice while making you a local celebrity.
“My firm has participated in the Cartvertising shopping cart advertising program for several years. We look at it as a way to repetitively, consistently, and tactfully display our name, logo, and practice areas to the public. We started in one Kroger store and expanded into other stores on the south side of the Indianapolis metropolitan area. For us, Cartvertising has been an effective way to place our brand in front of many potential clients in our primary marketing area. My partners and I frequently receive positive comments from clients and friends. In short, the Cartvertising program has been a wise investment for our growing practice.” – Dan Craven, Craven Hoover Blazek Attorneys at Law
“The Cartvertising team has more than exceeded our expectations in the areas of customer support, value of service and ad design, and overall effectiveness of the advertisement. We have seen overwhelming business growth and client recognition. The professional image and overall branding of our company can be attributed to the work the Cartvertising team has provided us. Thanks for the great service and tremendous support as a business partner and a valuable asset to our company’s success.” – Tido Hoang, E.A., Tido Financial