Auto shops face ever increasing in competition. From longer lasting cars, to new technologies (including electric), to saturation of the market, staying ahead of the competition is a race you can’t afford to lose.
Proven by years of experience and providing the benefits of even the most cutting edge digital programs, coupons are one of the most effective forms of advertising that auto repair shops use to drive in customers. Usually in the form of a discounted oil change or other service-related discount, coupons can be profitable, not only by increasing volume, but even on each transaction by having a greater perceived value vs. their face value.
In this Quick Guide to Advertising Your Auto Repair Shop, we look at why coupons are so effective for auto shops, and we’ll look at some of the best-performing coupons we’ve seen.
In this guide, you’ll learn:
To download your free copy of the Quick Guide to Advertising Your Auto Repair Shop, fill out the form on this page.