Mount Liberty College

5288 S Commerce Dr, Suite B-218, Murray, Utah 84107
(385) 259-5576 |

What Products or Services does your business provide?

college bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

What types of advertising are you currently doing, and what types of advertising have been most successful for you in the past?

Honestly, our most successful advertising is word of mouth from our students and their families. We have tried FB and Instagram, billboards, and magazines and of course college fairs at various high schools.

Are there any certifications, awards, or media recognition that your business has received?

We are licensed through the state of Utah as a degree granting institution.

Tell us about your employees.

We have nine professors who have all been with us from the beginning. They are amazing and work hard to help our students.

What is the story behind your business?

We started Mount Liberty College because the mountain west did not have a true liberal arts college, and it needed one. There are not enough of the rising generation educated to become leaders as retirement empties those positions. There are also worries about AI and its taking away jobs. A liberal arts education helps students prepare for leadership while educating them in all things human; what AI isn’t good at. The tools our students learn will allow them to find a need not being filled and fill it. They are becoming the leaders of tomorrow.

Tell a story about a great customer experience.

Our students are going on to advanced programs of their choice as well as starting their own businesses. Every program they have applied to, they have been accepted. One example is Ralston’s Master of Arts. We have had three students apply and be accepted in a field of thousands applying and only 25-30 accepted every year. We have a student who will graduate this year who was offered a job in Washington DC without even applying. They contacted her and said she was exactly the person they were looking for. Mount Liberty College truly is where the best ideas of the past inspire the brightest leaders of the future.

Explain why a customer should consider your business instead of going to a competitor.

At MLC you will get the best education, hands down. No other college offers this sort of a classical liberal arts education to prepare students for the uncertain future ahead.

What extra services do you offer that people might not know about?

We also offer a master’s program for those who already have a bachelor’s degree but want to get a taste of what a liberal arts degree offers.

Mount Liberty College

Business Hours

Monday through Friday 9 am – 5 pm.